Monday, February 8, 2010

Gay Biker Go Into A Gay Bar Bathroom?

Go into a gay bar bathroom? - gay biker

You have to go very badly. The only place for 10 miles, is a gay bar. Do you want to use your bathroom? "If so and you are a man who went to the toilet?" Take a chance and use by children and lead a Super Motard gay guys, or do you try to enter and use the ladies' room without getting caught? "If the same girl a few questions, the large exposures gay biker chick?, sneak into the mens?


Ring0Ros... said...

Yes, if I had to go and that the only option that I would not hesitate was.

Homosexuals are not people handle feverish sex rape people. Injuries occur on a much faster rate in the company of men and women scenarios. I would be more afraid of waiting at a metro station only.

Go Yes, some people at the bar, others may be selling just the time it is the same for the clubs directly

Looks like you prejudices that must be resolved ....

odie said...

I am a little more confidence in what you are. If I have to pee, I go to the toilet and urinate. I'm not afraid to pee what else, I do not like how big they are and how many bikes they ride. You seem very paranoid.

christina d said...

was no further 5 blocks and I always went to the gay bar. I'm right, but why should I care? Bath is a bath. I use my bathroom for the opposite sex.

Biochem_... said...

If you are not gay, why u even twice before you think of a room gay bar?

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